
10 Tips for Sailing Across the Atlantic As Crew

Travelling an Atlantic Crossing on someone else’s sailing boat is not a straightforward endeavour and an adventure to be taken lightly. Finding a boat is one thing, finding the right boat, crew and captain match is what makes all the difference. There are some things to be mindful of. Here are some tips to get your Atlantic ocean sailing dream started.

A person on a sailboat.

Call for local environmental conservation people and projects around the Atlantic and Eastern Caribbean | Team up with Ocean Nomads for positive impact

As sailors, and especially as a community of sailors, we revisit places, we have a unique skillset, and unique opportunity to support with our tools, skills, hands, eyes, and cargo sailing possibilities. We can build connections between places that do not exist in any other way. And very often we are privilidged living the lifestyle we are living, and drives us to be more giving. We are expanding and updating our database on local collaborative ocean projects and positive change – driven destination representatives, tourguide, ocean companies. For our upcoming Expedition ON, but also for all ocean nomads sooner or later sailing the Atlantic circle.

a beach with a lot of trash on it.

Finding sailing crew opportunities | Travel the world by sail! Newbies

This September we dedicate the full month knowledge sharing about travelling by sail as newby. We have lots of members who started from zero and are now a sailing hero, and lots of members who are looking to get started. We can learn a lot from each other. Join the conversation, absorb the information, ask your questions, share your ideas, stories, curiosities and experiences in relation to getting started on travelling by sail

a woman is standing on the bow of a sailboat in the ocean.

Join the Ocean Nomads ‘Sail across the Atlantic’ Theme month for more fun, knowledge, and connections

This August we dedicate the full month knowledge sharing about Sailing Across the Atlantic. We have lots of members who have sailed across, and lots of members who are looking to do so. We can learn a lot from each other. Join the conversation, absorb the information, ask your questions, share your ideas, stories, curiosities and experiences in relation to sailing the Atlantic.

three people on a sailboat giving thumbs up.
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