
She’s off! SV Twister and Ocean Nomads sail around the Atlantic Ocean | Departure Recap

She’s off! This Tuesday 07 AM SV Twister set sail out of Amsterdam for a mission around the Atlantic Ocean with a boat load of Ocean Nomads driven for an experience with full ON adventure, impact and community.   What a milestone already to reach this point. Thank you everyone involved for helping to make …

She’s off! SV Twister and Ocean Nomads sail around the Atlantic Ocean | Departure Recap Read More »

a sailboat docked at a dock at sunset.

3 Ways to find YOUR sailboat ride with Ocean Nomads

A bit more background on how we go about connecting you to the ocean, each other, and support in accelerating sail boat travel dreams and ambitions.   Spontaneous Ocean Nomads Meet-ups Yesterday we rather spontaneous united a boatload full with ocean nomads. All of us about to go on big ocean adventures! But on different …

3 Ways to find YOUR sailboat ride with Ocean Nomads Read More »

a group of people on a sailboat with a dog.

A few words from Suzy about how Ocean Nomads is bringing transformation and excitement for an ocean minded lifestyle | Logbook update

Photo: Sailing into Madeira from the Netherlands with SV Twister. Few things are more exciting than travelling by sail into a country A little update about the latest..   I just got off the phone with Paula. Finally we managed to connect after both living a lot in no signal world. Inspired by her mum, …

A few words from Suzy about how Ocean Nomads is bringing transformation and excitement for an ocean minded lifestyle | Logbook update Read More »

a woman sitting on the deck of a sailboat.

A brief resume of my sailing life so far… And exciting ocean adventures ahead!

A brief resume of my sailing life so far… And exciting ocean adventures ahead!   7 years ago I sailed the first time across the Atlantic as crew. I figured if I can cross an ocean, I may pursue the sailing lifestyle. I had no idea about anything sailing. I learned how (and how not) to ‘hitchhike’ on …

A brief resume of my sailing life so far… And exciting ocean adventures ahead! Read More »

a woman sitting on the steering wheel of a sailboat.

Mission accomplished Ocean Nomads, and to be continued… Sailing 400 Nautical Miles for Ocean Impact, Adventure, and Community with Mission Atlantis | Portugal

From the last new moon until the June super full moon we have been sailing the coast of Portugal to raise awareness and act for ocean regeneration. We joined the team up with Oceans and Flow Portugal and sailed over 400 Nautical Miles to experience, celebrate, and activate ocean love, adventure, impact, and community.

a group of sailboats sailing in the ocean.

From first sailing experience to single handling his own boat in 3 months | Ocean Nomads Member spotlight: Nadiem

In August we met Nadiem. He got the last spot on the Ocean Nomads gathering in Galicia. With a few member vessels, we set sail exploring Galicia and simply connect with a bunch of like-minded salty souls. It was Nadiem’s first sailing experience. He hasn’t stopped since. He just continued sailing and now bought his …

From first sailing experience to single handling his own boat in 3 months | Ocean Nomads Member spotlight: Nadiem Read More »

a man is standing on a sailboat with a sail in his hand.

A salty poem by Ocean Nomad Sophie

OCEAN NOMADS x WINDFALL Into the Unknown leg Galicia- Porto                                                   somewhere in August 2021 Once upon a time there was a nomadic spirited girl, who at the other side of the world found her magic pearl. It was about a life at sea she never knew before,her heart sang wild since she opened that …

A salty poem by Ocean Nomad Sophie Read More »

two women standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Member Spotlight: Long term Liveaboard life and retired RYA Instructor Keith welcoming ocean nomads sailing crew

Every now and then we publish one in-depth story from an Ocean Nomads member. To learn more about each other, to learn from each other, inspire and be inspired, and to accelerate our journeys.  This week we shine a light on Keith Riley. Keith is a true seaman who lived practically his whole life at sea, …

Member Spotlight: Long term Liveaboard life and retired RYA Instructor Keith welcoming ocean nomads sailing crew Read More »

a group of people on a sailboat taking a selfie.

Member Ocean Nomads Spotlight: Kerstine | Bosun & Media mate at Sea Shepherd

Every other week we publish one in-depth story from an Ocean Nomads member. To learn more about each other, to learn from each other, inspire and be inspired, and to accelerate our journeys.  This week we shine a light on Kerstine Launay. Nomad turned sailor on the seven seas, currently working with Sea Shepherd Global.She discovered sailing …

Member Ocean Nomads Spotlight: Kerstine | Bosun & Media mate at Sea Shepherd Read More »

a police officer climbing up a ladder in a building.

Member Spotlight: Carola von Szemerey | Founder of the Sound of Sisterhood. Surfer, Sailor & Dancing through life with action and intuition.

Every other week we will publish one in-depth story from an Ocean Nomads member. To learn more about each other, to learn from each other, inspire and be inspired, and to accelerate our journeys.  This week we shine a light on Carola von Szemerey She knows the importance of living with nature, with the moon , following intuition and …

Member Spotlight: Carola von Szemerey | Founder of the Sound of Sisterhood. Surfer, Sailor & Dancing through life with action and intuition. Read More »

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