I hope you’ve had a summer of being wayyy more outdoors than indoors and got salty, muddy, sandy and sunkissed!
Do you know that feeling of butterflies in your belly because you are in love with LIFE? Today, and pretty much every day this summer, I woke up like that. Next to the sea, happy and healthy. Well, not 100% healthy at this moment of writing. I’m back on crutches after a silly paddle tennis move but nothing serious. It’s the universe telling me to slow down. And to finish THE course on traveling by sailboat. It’s almost finished! And we are so excited to get it out there to you to help you realize your sailing dreams. We’re aiming to launch the next new moon!
Fun fact! Book Ocean Nomad I published (6 years ago now!) I may only have been able to pull of because of a sprained ankle keeping me chair bound made me finish it. It was another sprained ankle 2 years before that made me start it. How ironic. And how promising on delivering the next big thing!
I believe the belly butterflies are there because of being in nature, being in tune with nature, being surrounded by happy healthy positive people, and by being driven by purpose. It’s what makes us thrive! It’s why we set up Ocean Nomads! To connect YOU others living or aspiring nature-centered travel and lifestyle with adventure and purpose.
For years and years, I found myself never really fitting in with the people I met in my nomad journey. I got along with pretty much everyone but not really connecting with anyone. It was hard to come across other sailors and nomads prioritizing health, nature, purpose and action in their journey. But not anymore! Thanks to the Ocean Nomads member Map, the Ocean Nomads Network App, and your ambassadoring (thank you!!), we have learned we’re not alone! There are many of us cultivating conscious nomad lifestyles somewhere in the wild! And it has been a beautiful month of meeting soul family members in their natural habitats.
The whole point of this online stuff is to spend less time online and find people and answers faster. For more time to do, but above all BE. And it’s so cool to see many of you meet-up and team-up around the world! And to see you even hosting and initiating happenings and adventures! (Thanks Julie, Menno & Soof!). After all, Ocean Nomads is by Ocean Nomads for Ocean Nomads!
My 3 weeks of not moving in my tiny beach house on wheels,…
I’m writing this from my hammock in front of my van in Galicia. I haven’t moved my house on wheels in more than 3 weeks (or 4? Lost count), and that is pretty rare. And good for me too. Besides scouting for water and wild edibles like watercress, seaweed, and berries, I have hardly any nomad challenges to deal with. After 3,5 years, I also finally have a toilet, what a game changer (we also made an ON member deal with Kildwick Compost toilets). How much time you have left if you’re not nomadding! I have a bit of a routine going on to work on ON, my surfing skills, and filming the upcoming course on Travelling by Sailboat as crew. Something I’ve been wanting to create since I published my book Ocean Nomad, but I never made it a priority until now. I really started to enjoy the filming and the learning process that comes with it, and I can’t wait to bring this new creation into the world and help more of you travel by sail with the rhythm of nature. It feels great to be in a creative flow without an agenda, just in tune with nature. Meanwhile, many ocean nomads are out and about exploring the seas and are sharing the latest highs and lows in our network. Keep sharing, keep caring and keep cheering each other ON!
…turned into 7 weeks.
This may be a stand-still record. But by putting myself into the wild for a while, away from everything but nature, now THE course on travelling by sailboat is almost finished (and I levelled up my surf skills to walking on the board) We’re beyond excited to get the new creation out to you in the next moon phase to help you realize sailing dreams in tune with your values!
Almost finished, because after 7 weeks, curiosity kicked in and I headed south. It was time to follow the sun The past month I’ve been nomadding through Spain and Portugal, visiting ocean nomads members in the wild, and discovering nature treasures. Minimum tech time, just nature, exploration, and community!
Instead of organizing a big ocean expedition the coming winter (stay tuned for winter 2024/2025), we choose to get more quality tools, tips and tribe connections out there for you to create your own adventure, with your people, in tune with your values. And we are tuning in with ourselves what to focus our energy on in the year and years to come to make the most positive impact.
Curious and not a member yet? We have a new page answering all your questions about the Ocean Nomads Membership! to explore if it’s for you
A big thanks to all our members for your energy, sharing and caring! I’m so excited for all there is to come! Check in now and then on the network app and share an update to your fellow wild humans. We’re all curious! And the more we learn about each other, the better connections we can make to relevant tools and people.
Explore this months newsletter for a snapshot of the latest!
Happy Full Moon!
Ps. Members are the driving force of Ocean Nomads. To treasure you, most special deal on the Sailboat Travel Crew course goes out to all Ocean Nomads members registered in the network before the next new moon.🌑