job opportunities

Paid Position

Job Opportunity: Ocean Nomads Captains

Are you one of the skippers on our next Flotilla? And other upcoming adventures? Let us hear from you.
We will be renting 2-5 vessels and are now re-crew-ting the team and crew to help further shape this ocean nomads gathering into a memorable and valuable event for all.

Our upcoming trips

Learn more about being an ON skipper and express interest to be in our database.  

Volunteer positions

We’re looking for extra hands-on deck to help grow Ocean Nomads and better assist dreamers, doers, and adventure seekers in ocean adventure travel and contributing to ocean conservation.

Work exchange and volunteer support we welcome:

Social Media Ambassadorship & Content
Virtual Assistent
Member Community Management
Tech Manager
SEO Optimization
Trip Organization

We can offer our membership and course in exchange for your support.

be in our database

Drop your proposal / expression of interest in our email crew @ oceannomads. co Include if you are an ocean nomads member, your WHY, about your personal ocean nomads life (or ambitions) and show some of your work, and that you have learned what we are about.

We may not reply right away, but be sure we see your email.

Paid Job openings always go out to Ocean Nomads members first (Join / Login). If we can’t find the skills within our network, we consider outside candidates. 

We’d love to hear from everyone, though we give strong preference to someone who already decided to join the Ocean Nomads community, living and breathing the Ocean Nomads values, and is aware what we’re all about.

Volunteer Position: Community Mate
Learn more and Apply

Volunteer Position: Country / Destination Ocean Nomads Ambassador

Email us at Crew @


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