A few words from Suzy about how Ocean Nomads is bringing transformation and excitement for an ocean minded lifestyle | Logbook update

a woman sitting on the deck of a sailboat.

Photo: Sailing into Madeira from the Netherlands with SV Twister. Few things are more exciting than travelling by sail into a country

A little update about the latest..


I just got off the phone with Paula. Finally we managed to connect after both living a lot in no signal world. Inspired by her mum, she joined an Ocean Nomads sailing trip in Galicia one year ago to start dipping her toes in sailingocean travel, and a conscious nomadic way of life. She pretty much went off the radar since. Because after the trip, she kept going! She sailed from Galicia to the Canaries with fellow ocean nomads, jumping on another vessel to sail to Africa, and from there she hitch sailed across the Atlantic, in South America and then lending a hand in a permaculture cargo sailing project in French Guinea. She said ‘Suz, Ocean Nomads is the best thing that I came across in the past years. The connections and adventures that came with it, have changed my life.”

She made my day! My week! (+ finally meeting Angie & Remy, founding members. a legendary OZ/France/Japanese nomad surf sail family). Hearing this is the reason my inner fire keeps burning. The fire that sometimes almost goes out when I find myself too much with screens, tech, and appointments. Driven by the purpose to help others getting out there in the nature. I currently find myself working incredibly hard (as well as Community Captains Bri and Jacky!) to facilitate more life changing sail trips, connections, and to get the ocean into your heart.  It’s the first time we organize something across the Atlantic and in the Caribbean. So exciting! And a little ambitious.

I’m meant to be out there too, full in tune with nature, and so I’ll go.  I’m currently +15 years into nomadic living with the backpack, by sail, with the van, and with fins, never more than 6 months in the same place. I’m a (sl)nomad by nature. Soon I’ll change my nomad house on wheels (my house for 3 years now already) for the classic sailing vessel Twister. I’ll be sailing with you on the ocean crossing (1 spot opened!), as well as the first voyages in the Caribbean (exploring, freedivingkitesurfingOcean nomads style). Also I’ll be there on departure in Amsterdam. And I can’t wait to share this magic with you! I’m also super proud to have other ocean nomads leading some of the legs to shine their light, experience, and lifestyle on our voyages to spread the ocean love. Paula is one of them. And perhaps you at some point too ! Ocean Nomads is by Ocean Nomads for Ocean Nomads. 

Soon we follow the sun, with compass heading 215 degrees south, across Biscaye! Because nothing beats meeting each other in, on or near the big blue! Preparations are full ON from experimenting making our own yoghurt (&coconut yoghurt), our own oat milk, the flour has been ordered at the local milll, to communicating with you all, figuring out more logistics, and making those final crew selections. What an organization that comes with prepping an Atlantic! As zero waste and impactful we manage. But we know it’s so worth it. 

The voyages we organize are the fastest way we can facilitate a new heading in your life. Literally ;). You get to meet, live, sail with fellow ambitious ocean lovers and be introduced to ocean travel through experiencing it yourself. And all the connections, learnings, and next opportunities that come with it. Paula, Nadiem, Thomas, Pim, Sael, Anna, Andi, are a few of our example members we’re so proud of who joined us on a trip as one of their, if not their first sailing experiences, and then made their Atlantic Sailing dream happen.

Last but not least, a big cheer to all the nomads out there adventuring, simple, wild, and free. Windfall just sailed into Brest after a 13 day sail from the Azores/. Dom (Boatbuilder and upcoming expedition Leader) jumped on board Hendriks boat to teach him on the sail down to Spain. Sander almost has his crew complete heading south with a boatload full with Ocean Nomads. And Laerke and Kiana are conquering many blue hearts with their Atlantic Story telling with their Women and the Wind project, skyrocketing their following from 1000 to +70K in a month. And this is just a snapshot out of the top of my head and what people shared. 

I’m so proud and motivated to see you settling for not anything less you’re capable of. I can’t keep track of all that’s going on. And I love that! It means the network is doing what it supposed to be doing, connecting you to each other and the sea, and help each other move forward. Get introduced to one an other on our member hub, or on a trip! Thanks to Jacky and Bri, and our slow organic approach to growth, allows us to keep it all personal, with focus on quality.

Ocean Nomads is not an online community. It’s a beautiful mix of adventure souls scattered all around the globe helping each other out, supporting newbies, and simply connecting for more fun and impact. The online hub is just a means to find out about each other and to find your answers faster. Some of us are currently figuring out the next thing via the internet, others of us are out there navigating the seas. We’re connecting the dots.

A new moon cycle has started. A time for new beginnings! Perhaps that first step to make your ocean travel or nomad lifestyle real…Next New Moon you can be on the ocean with us. Just imagine…

I hope to cross seas with many of you this winter, on the Twister or somewhere on the Atlantic or Caribbean Sea.

With salt in my hair and sand between my toes



Originally posted in our New Moon September Newsletter. Subscribe to receive more updates like this from our team. 


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What our Trip Alumni are saying

Still smiling at the memories! Met – and still talking to – some lovely people. Refreshed my nautical skills (helming, navigation, astro identification, etc.) Shared some great experiences through conversation, music, stories, yoga, cooking together, seeing ocean wildlife, and so much more!

a silhouette of a man looking at the ocean at sunset.


Expedition ON '21

"The experience on twister with other Ocean Nomads was just really beautiful and I felt connected for the first time in decades, I felt part of a community and had companionship. I was so happy that it’s so all inclusive of gender race religion nationality and most importantly age. It has connected me with like-minded people of all ages and being very transformational personally because my life has been incredibly isolated as a single parent Who works from home. I can honestly say October and November I felt happy and free for the first time in maybe 22 years.  It gave me everything I was looking for. It has opened up so many possibilities to meet new people with similar vibes, including connection, companionship, purpose and being one with nature." 

a woman sitting on a boat reading a book.


Expedition ON '21

“In my opinion Ocean Nomads sailing adventure are: 1. A reward for the senses by discovering incredibly beautiful places and breathtaking sceneries. 2. An unbeatable way to get introduced into the nice world of sailing, 3. An open window to learn watching our world and the people from another more conscious perspective. I see Suzanne as an inspirational person who, with her example, inspire others with ideas and proposals to define or redefine life projects and use inner energy for more noble purposes. Our oceans need strong committed people like her to advocate for our natural resources and leave them intact for the generations to come.” 

an aerial view of a boat with dolphins in the water.

Jose Maria Perez

Sicily 2018

"The sailing with such a beautiful ship. It is absolutely breathtaking to sail a tall ship and minimize the use of the motor as much as possible.

I joined the Twister Expedition to share my knowledge as a marine scientist studying cetaceans. I look at the sea a little differently than most sailors do, so it is beautiful to be able to share this knowledge and viewpoint since I believe science is not only for scientists.

There are many things that sailors and Ocean Nomads can do to help as citizen scientists.

Small tasks such as collecting data on cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) on a sail can have a large impact in the management and conservation of species. 

an aerial view of a boat with dolphins in the water.


Expedition ON 2021

"It’s amazing how many awesome friends you can make, and how much just one week on an ON trip can change your life"

an aerial view of a boat with dolphins in the water.


Canary Islands '19

“Good sailing experience that makes me feel more confident on open seas.
Made good connections to nice people and got valuable insights for my master plan.”  

a man is standing on the deck of a boat.


Expedition ON '21

This was one of the most epic experiences of my life so far, and I can tell it is just the beginning.  The ocean has taught me so many lessons…to embrace all experiences (even seasickness), not worry so much, and just be in the moment. Two weeks without connection to the outside world was absolutely glorious. I feel reset. After a very fragmented life the past few years, being around a crew of 17 people every day was amazing…to interact naturally with each other, feel a part of a family of diverse ages, nationalities and backgrounds…I learned so much from these amazing humans. My heart feels so full.” 

a young woman climbing the mast of a tall ship.


Expedition ON '21

“Last summer I had my first sailing experience on an Ocean Nomad Sailing Trip in Spain. I initially signed up for one week, but ended up staying 1,5 months, and sailed as part of the crew from Northern Spain to the Canaries Islands. On this trip, I met a lot of like-minded people with similar goals and dreams. I also realized that it is possible to learn sailing in a low-key, affordable way. After this trip, I got so inspired that I decided to buy my own sailboat. After some research, I decided to buy a previous sailboat of an Ocean Nomad friend that I just met, and together we sailed the boat from Ireland to Spain. Without Ocean Nomads this would not have been possible. So if you are slightly interested in sailing, the ocean, meeting like-minded people, join!"
a man is standing on a sailboat with a sail in his hand.


Galicia '21

The most unforgettable week. The trip preparation and the crew members turned what would otherwise be an adventure into something a bit more special. I took part in two ocean nomads trips so far. To say it was life changing sounds dramatic but it really was. Being able to share time and experiences with people with different backgrounds but of a similar mindset was incredible. I like to think that I can have and help contribute to a similar experience for myself and others as a member of the Flotilla crew.” 

a group of dolphins swimming in the water.

Ben Clipstone

ON Lanzarote & Galicia

“The things I like the most about trips with Ocean Nomads is the mix of different nationalities, ages and levels of experience. With these trips, there’s always a general plan but also plenty of opportunity for spontaneity to have a real adventure!”

a woman reading a book on a boat.

Louise Agren

Croatia 2019 & Madeira-Canary Islands 2021

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