Ocean Nomads is a global network that connects impact-driven ocean travellers, explorers, and nomadic lifestyle designers with like-minded individuals, vessels, projects, and environmental initiatives to realize their sailboat adventure and live a nomadic, ocean-conscious lifestyle.
We are a global vagabonding community of impact-driven traveller, sailors, (free)diver, surfers, and active salty souls passionate about the ocean and driven to not settle for anything less we’re capable of living and contributing.
“We’re many out there all on similar journeys, dreaming and doing about ocean adventures and to make a positive impact around us. We have brilliant ideas, projects, and dreams. We desire to experience, to learn, to connect, and to be part of something. We’re looking to connect with others honouring simple, sustainable, minimalistic, unconventional lifestyles. We are concerned by the state of the planet. We want to make a positive contribution and do our bit. The ocean brings us so much. As fanatic users, we are responsible for bringing life back into the blue.” We build bridges between all of you and all your beautiful projects and adventures.Â
Read our background story to discover more of our inspirations and how we got here…
Our Mission
Ocean Nomads is creating a global support network for adventurous ocean-loving and caring people. How? By facilitating online and offline connections between:
– Crew & Adventure Seekers (+Aspiring)
– Captains & Boat Owners
– Community Projects
– Ocean Research and Conservation organizations
– Ocean
Activists, EntrepeneursÂ
Check the directory to explore where our members are and what they are up to.
To get the ocean into the hearts. From experience comes caring. From caring comes action.
To encourage personal development and maximizing potential. We can only do good when we feel good.
To amplify voices and accelerate epic purpose-driven ocean projects, voyages, and expeditions. We build bridges, introduce, connect, and collaborate to help realize ambitions. Ideas are meant to be made real.
through experience-based learning and creating epiphany moments.

Social and environmental impact projects. Synergetic team-ups, ocean citizen science data gathering & reporting, and cargo sailing will boost existing local & global sustainable solutions.
To inspire and inform simple, sustainable and self sufficient nomadic living, minimizing harm and maximizing positive change.
Life and adventure is simply more beautiful to be shared.
To anticipate and be ready for the future. We’re creating a web of vessels, basecamps, and initiatives around the world. A support web you can count on in times of need.

Safeguard the ocean…
Our home,
Our playground.
Our ambition is to serve as a catalyst for engaging people into ocean adventure & impact projects, and to harness our collective passion into solutions for a healthier ocean.
The big vision: a global web of value-sharing basecamps, vessels, and impact projects in between we can navigate and thrive as nomads.
- Respect Mother Nature
- Freedom & Alternative Lifestyle
- Curiosity and Knowledge Sharing
- Collaboration and Contribution
- Adventure & Play
- Giving back & Action for the Ocean
- Simplicity, Self-Sufficiency & Sustainability
- Healthy, Conscious & Regenerative Living

The salty team
Suzanne van der Veeken
She slow travels oceans by sail, van and fins. She hitchhiked 30.000 miles on sailing boats of which 4 times across the Atlantic and wrote a book Suzanne, aka Oceanpreneur, is driven to connect you to the ocean and each other, and to encourage for a more conscious way of life. She’s from the Netherlands but has been living nomadically for 15 years, currently lives simply in a retro campervan in Spain. Read and check the video how Ocean Nomads started.
The soul captain of Ocean Nomads.

Brianna Brady
According to my mom, I swam before I could walk… I will take her word for it. Â I just spent my first winter outside the USA surfing, sailing, RVing, hiking/hitchhiking, and connecting with other Nomads along the way and I AM NEVER LOOKING BACK.
My main goal as Community Co-Captain is to connect fellow nomads and help facilitate opportunities in all things sailing, environmental awareness, ocean sports and adventure, the way others have helped me.
Together with Jacky, Brianna is Ocean Nomads Community Captain.

Patrick got the sailing bug in his mid thirties. He has jumped on board numerous Ocean Nomads sailing trips and often goes out on the water with fellow ocean nomads in his region. He’s from Romania and is currently based in Berlin.Â
Patrick is our Map Master and has developed the Ocean Nomads map so you can explore and connect with nomads, vessels, basecamps and projects near you.Â