New adventures
A few times a year we organize something special and rather spontaneous at sea. Ocean Nomads events and expeditions connect people to each other and to the ocean. Nothing brings people together like actually bringing people together. And nothing triggers more than actual experience. We add nature and adventure into the mix, and we have a recipe for creating a big dose of positive energy and accelerating change for a common good. We provide ocean adventure and encourage low-impact travel.
Some events are free for members, some require a little contribution, some are “commercial”, and some are teamed up with partner organisations. When we have the resources, we facilitate scholarships to make usually inaccessible adventures, accessible.
We live up to the Ocean Nomads’ slow sailing philosophy. We strive to have an onboard environment that inspires adventure and play, with a strong emphasis on skill building, health, simplicity, local, teamwork and environmental consciousness. Learn more about our trip values & expectations here.
Watch our latest film capturing the ON spirit
Past Trips
Sailing fleet in Greece | October
Booked out!
Explore photos & videos of the trip on our Instagram & follow on Youtube to get notified about the film of the trip. Coming December 20203
Can't wait? Looking to go on a trip NOW? Team up with one of +70 vessels in our network.
Scroll down to tune into one of our online events to meet members in the wild.
with Ocean Nomads Autumn / Winter 2022/2023
Other past trips
Since 2018 we have organized numerous spontaneous sailing adventures and flotilla’s, as well as dozens of meet-ups.
Kitesurfing & Sailing in | Greece
Social Entrepreneur Flotilla | Greece
Hitchhikers take the Helm in Sicily & Eonian Islands | Italy
Exploring the Ocean Nomads lifestyle Balearics | Spain
Surf, dive, hike Adventure Lanzarote & Fuerteventura | Spain
Offshore Delivery from Mallorca
Sailing the North Sea coast | Netherlands
Uniting Ocean Dreamers & Doers | Croatia
Camino de Santiago By Sea | Spain / Portugal
Sailing the Ocean on a Classic Schooner | Netherlands – Madeira – Canary Islands & back
Sailing the Coast of Portugal in a team up with Mission Atlantis Oceans and Flow
So far they have always sold out. Priority access for Members. Dream it? Do it!
Missao Atlantis | Ocean Adventure, Impact and Community along the Portuguese Coast
Spring 2022 we team up with Oceans and Flow Portugal, value-aligned ocean souls that have an epic and impactful expedition planned.
May 30 – June 15 we’ll sail along the Portuguese coast with the Ocean Impact Docu tour Missao Atlantis
The expedition includes 5 stops, featuring ocean films, talks, stories, workshops, clean-ups, meet-ups, and team-ups to celebrate and activate ocean love, adventure, impact, and community.
A beautiful opportunity to create raft up and meet-up synergies for all Ocean Nomads and vessel members.
Contribution: No financial contribution is required. Just ocean love and presence.
EXPEDITION ON Atlantic | Offshore Sailing adventure on a Classic Schooner
Join the more than 100-year-old classic Schooner Twister for an adventurous sailing delivery. This is a wild trip and not for the fainthearted. Broaden your horizon, explore, connect, and make impact.
Dates: February / March 2022
Destination: from the Canary Islands to the Netherlands
Number of berths: Total of 14
Miles: 2000 NM
Can't wait?
go sailing with one of our +70 vessel members!
We also have lots of members with vessels who are occasionally looking for adventure crew (Check them on the ON map (you need to be a member to contact) explore crewing opportunities on our blog or join the network to connect.
Or do you have a vessel and welcome adventure crew, raft-ups, or simply support and friends who get the lifestyle? Join the family to connect with vessels, crew, and adventure and eco driven nomads. Also as we grow we organize more and more member gatherings in fleets and anchorages. You can request to join the community here and start the adventure and connecting right now.
Keep an eye on this trip page for the upcoming adventures. Or join the Ocean Nomads Member network to be the first to know and apply! Trips have always sold out. You can also subscribe to our new moon and full moon newsletter (navigate to the bottom of this page) to stay in the loop
Become a member to be the first to know about Trips, Dates & Spots Available
Or Subscribe for updates
Online Events
Ocean Nomads Member Introductions
Ocean Nomads Speed networking
Nomad Meet-Up in the netherlands
Topic Specific Talks & Meet-ups
Every now and members host a talk on a specific nomad topic. We have talks on Boats, Working towards the dream, Financing a vessel, Skill building, general idea exchanges and more to come.
Dates: Spontaneous
Destination: Online ON the Member Hub
Members Only
Camp meetup - Netherlands
When? June 26 -27, 2023
Where? Flevoland
Who? Members + a couple of introducees
Price: free!
Tenerife meetup
When? February 20, 2022
Where? San Miguel
Who? Members + a couple of introducees
Price: free!
Webinar & Q&A with ocean legend Patrick Phelipon | Long term sailor, Boatbuilder & participant in Global Solo Challenge
Join us in this webinar with Patrick Phelipon. Patrick sailed all his life at high level, did world tours with Eric Tabarly on different Pen Duick. He built boats, was a sailmaker, did big regattas and has great ambitions. He is now signed up to the 2023 Global Solo Challenge with a boat he designed many years ago.
Our Luca Tausel has just sailed across the Atlantic with him and will host this webinar with Patrick this Friday. Patrick will share his story and current project. Be ready. He may have some unusual questions to ask long-term sailors on crazy ideas to make long-term non-stop sailing easier. And there’ll be room for questions and answers!
Destination: Online ON the Member Hub
Members Only
Let's talk Boats
Member Initiative! Peter is hosting a walk-through and Q&A on his boat. “The long search is over and all the prep work is done. So welcome aboard S/V Linea. Log on, fill up a glass of squash (or wine) and let’s talk boats. I will happily run through why the Bavaria 430 Lagoon ticked all my boxes for bluewater cruising. And have a giggle about all the rubbish I saw out there.
Dates: March 29
Destination: Online
Members Only
Sailing the Dutch Coast & Ocean Nomads meetup
Sailing the Dutch Coast on SV Twister & spontaneous gathering of salty souls
When? Weekend of July 19-21
Where? On Classic Vessel Twister
Who? Members + a couple of introducees
Price: Contribution to Sailing & meetup is free!
tarifa meetup
Spontaneous gathering of salty souls
When? June 19, 2020
Where? Tarifa, Spain
Price: free!