A recap celebrating Ocean Nomads highlights of 2023

The word dream big written in the sand at sunset.
What an adventurous year it has been! A few highlights in this blogpost to celebrate the adventures and impact of the Ocean Nomads Community.

Members realizing ocean ADVENTURE dreams 

We are so proud of many of our community members how they took action towards making their ocean adventure dreams real. Here we highlighted some of our vessel members (all welcoming crew). And one of our most popular blogposts where we put 5 badass ocean adventure ladies in the spotlight, realizing their sailing and sustainability dream ( and all started from zero). We just got a new story in from Jan, with “a writeup about my year and the last two months joining fellow Ocean Nomads Kyra and Robert on a leg of their epic sailboat trip to the Gambia River and a big shout out to the people behind Ocean Nomads for creating a platform that helps making dreams come true.” It’s a big reasons why we do what we do. Thank Jan! We love to put way more members in the spotlight! But also, we want to respects our members privacy and many join us to have a safe, small, and private environment to share and support in. On our private member hub there many more stories to explore. Here is a list of featured stories you can read from members, from dream realization, destination reports to survival at sea stories.

Members support and find each other through the power of COMMUNITY

We are proud to have an organic, growing member base continuously showing up for each other. Whether someone has already been a member for a few years or just joined us, our members look after each other, and that’s what Ocean Nomads is all about. We got many new awesome members who are living epic adventures, meeting up and teaming up, initiating meet-ups, and welcoming each other on board. We even got a love couple made on board and are still going strong. As our super ambassador Cay beautifully puts it in response to a post on the memberhub, “this IS what Ocean Nomads is all about for me, having like-minded adventurers in community all over the place!” And that’s what we want to make better and stronger again in the year ahead, so we can all find more of our people wherever we navigate. Also, it has not been an easy year for some ocean nomads family members. Health challenges put a pause on missions and adventures. Financial struggles and boat issues sometimes give a course change too to a different destination, for now. Resulting in other beautiful adventures. But then, fellow ocean nomads family members jump in to words and actions of support. It’s priceless to know there’s a bunch who have your back. We send all the superpowers we have to you, who need it! 

Creating waves for a healthier ocean 

We are proud of our members sharing their tips, ideas, skills, and projects that help create waves for a healthier planet. From DIY soap making, to untangling turtles from fishing nets, to Orca encounter experiences, delicious boat friendly vegan recipes,  foraging tips, Citizen science projects, discussing best practices, and observations and experiences from being out there. This year we met up with Greening the Caribbean, talking about Caribbean Waste Management and how sailors can contribute (Video coming).   We’ve been able to give back supporting the Women and the Wind project, Sailing Safety for Women, recovery of Jon running the Dominica freedive and nomad guesthouse, the Mayreau Animal Welfare project and Mayreau Sailing school, to name a few. As well, we’ve been providing numerous scholarships to people for whom a sailing trip was out of financial reach.   We love to give back where we can, in tune with our values. To help to make this world a little bit better, encourage ocean adventure and impact entrepreneurship, and do our bit for a healthier ocean. We are able to do this through members contribution and support in whatever form.  Read more about our Impact ambitions and actions here. And join the Ocean Conservation & Action space on our memberhub where we exchange observations, actions, and ideas for a healthier ocean.   Ocean Nomads sailing the Caribbean 7

We sailed around the Atlantic

In 13 legs, we’ve been sailing around the Atlantic with the focus on: Adventure Sailing, Positive Impact, Stories & Skill Building, Conscious Lifestyle & Ocean Minded Community. 210 days, 13 legs, 15.000 Miles, 12 Countries, 37 Islands, 100 Nomads!, What a voyage it has been! Ocean Nomads Travel by sailboat across the atlantic 12 The biggest highlight of this has been the people! Connection and conversation at sea goes deeper in one day than months on land. It made us a beautiful community at sea!  SO many inspiring people joined us and we are blown away with everyone’s contribution, skills, stories, missions, plans and drives. So many memorable moments created, friends made, and thank you’s to give!  Here’s a summary about that expedition. Dreaming or planning a trip across the Atlantic, as crew or as a boatowner? We have a dedicated Atlantic Ocean space on our memberhub, based on many Atlantic crossings from many members, all about sailing the Atlantic, including crew stories, local organic provision contacts, Q&A’s, personalized support, and tips and tools for smooth sailing, crew and boat finding.   

We made a film about Sailing Across the Atlantic

We are proud to present to you: Sailing the Atlantic. A story about 17 Ocean Nomads sailing across the Atlantic Ocean on the 100-year-old Classic Schooner SV Twister. A film made by our coconut chopping master Jonatan Bjorkman, starring Ocean Nomads. Get the popcorn ready and enjoy! It’s going viral as we speak!  Watch it here

We are releasing the toolkit to support newbies experiencing the ocean by sailboat

A woman standing in front of a camera in the jungle, giving a little update. We launched a course to help newbies curious to travel the world by sailboat. This course gives you tools to experience the sailing lifestyle. with adventure, impact and community. Created by our founder Suzy who’s been living the nomadic lifestyle for +15 years now. What makes this course unique is its focus on ocean travel and lifestyle design. It is designed to get you out there and to learn by doing on the right boat for you. At your own pace, safely, and in line with your values. Check out the Sailboat Travel course for novice navigators. First modules are live! Early Bird Pioneer Deal available until 31/12! (with a Lifetime Course + Community option)

Celebrating continuous Partnerships

We are happy that we have been able to contribute to another 50+ wildlife sightings through the Sail & Whale partnership (Explore the project intro and sighting videos on the network).  A snapshot of who we’ve teamed up with: SkippersOnline (75 pound discount on RYA Day skipper and Yachtmaster course) Kildwick Compost Toilets (10% discount / 50-100 euro) The boat and vanlife friendly stove oven Omnia (Give-aways)  Ecoliving Finca La Palmera in southern Spain (50 euro Member Discount) And numerous members share their special for fellow ocean nomads. Keep tuning in back to our memberdeals  We’re continuously treasure hunting for special deals and partnerships for our members aligned with our ocean nomads lifestyles and sustainability values. Ocean Nomads Travel by sailboat Caribbean 598 We thank you for this beautiful year together. For taking part. For having the courage to show up, for making steps towards your dreams. And for your contribution to move this fleet 🌱 We couldn’t do it without you! We’re looking forward to facilitating more ocean adventure, impact, and community in 2024! And to welcome new members to the fleet. Coconut cheers to the new years! Ocean Nomads Travel by sailboat Caribbean 224


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